Home Page for the New York Jazz Cats website - New York Jazz Cats

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Welcome to the official website
for the New York Jazz Cats!

Who are the New York Jazz Cats?  We are Rob Tenney and Mike LeVasseur, two musicians from New York who met after we moved to the Atlanta area and formed a partnership to create music that we enjoy (and we hope you enjoy it too!)

Rob is a masterful bass player, runs a drum machine and sings lead and background vocals; Mike is a talented keyboard player who sings lead and background vocals. Even as a duo, the New York Jazz Cats produce a full sound and deliver performances that keep the crowd movin' and groovin'.  We enjoy spending time in Rob's studio creating memorable musical melodies and we also perform live for corporate events, private parties and festivals.

Please contact either Rob or Mike to inquire about availabilty and pricing for your next event!
Our music is available for download and by ordering CD's from iTunes, Amazon and CD Baby; you can also listen to many of our audio clips on our Reverbnation page: https://www.reverbnation.com/newyorkjazzcats
Here is a link to our YouTube video featuring Rise to Route 101!
For booking inquires, please contact Rob@NewYorkJazzCats.com (770-823-0866) or Mike@NewYorkJazzCats.com (404-641-6575).  

Keep on groovin'!
Copyright 2015. All rights reserved.
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